quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2008


Madonna entrou para o Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, introduzida pelo seu mais recente colega de trabalho, amigo e grande "chalaceiro" que é Justin Timberlake. Diz JT: "And though I'm pretty sure that Little Richard would disagree, the truth is that nobody has ever gotten into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame while still looking this damn fine". Não é para admirar. A julgar pela fotografia, a Nossa Senhora da Pop injectou mais coisas na cara do que alguns membros do Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nas veias. Depois foi altura para fazer uma piadinha sobre Britney Spears: "she [Madonna] 's changed the way our world looked and somehow she still found time to publicly kiss at least someone who I may or may not have kissed myself ... while I was in the audience, yeah, course you know I'm all talking about Sean Penn". Mas ele não fica por aqui e decide contar um pequeno episódio que demonstra a intimidade que tem com a senhora: "As a matter of fact, I wanna tell a little story really quick -- one day, in London, I showed up to the studio and (it's prolly because of the freakin' schedule she had us under) but I was feeling a little ill, I was feeling under the weather and she could tell and she said, 'You're not feeling too well today?' and I said, 'Noooo not too well today.' and she said, 'Well, would you like a B12 shot? We could get a B12 shot.' and I was like, 'Yeah, I'd love a B12 shot.' That's the first thing I thought of. And, uh, and so I'm thinking, right, that we're gonna call it a doctor and he's gonna make a house-call [mumbling] Here's a B12 shot. And, uh, then she proceeds to reach into her designer handbag and, uh, pull a Zip-Lock bag of B12 syringes out. And then she looks at me with that face that she looks at people with and she says to me, 'Drop 'em.' I don't ... I don't know what you say to that so I immediately dropped my pants. This is a true story by the way, I swear I'm not making this up. So, uh, she gives me the B12 shot, in my ass and then she looks at me and she says, 'Nice top shelf.' And that was one of the greatest days of my life". Eu imagino esta cena com o Justin Timberlake com um risinho histérico e um silêncio sepulcral na sala. E depois ele olha para a câmara e faz aquela cara à "Malucos do Riso".

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Ninguém terá notado a presença a meio caminho entre o grostesco e o mongolóide, mas acentuadamente contrastante com a da Material Midlle-Aged Woman, do grande, imenso avô (e avó!) de todo o punk, o sacrossanto Iggy Pop, aka a iguana janada fodilhona? Que belíssima imagem para o presépio do Natal de 2008!

Happinêss disse...

Ia jurar que era a Madonna, o Timberlake e Iggy Pop no museu de cera, em Londres...

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